Wednesday 24 July 2019

7. The owner's family appears

Assorted medical matters (self and MrsJ) taking precedence over the last few weeks, little advancement made in either of the two layouts being built. However, I have continued painting the various Andrew Stadden figures that I have in the 'to do' box, and show the results here.

They are;- Mr Ian Nesbit, Mrs Dinah Nesbit, and their children Jenny, Sally and Gary. All resemblance to any other well known railway family is probably quite intentional. The Nesbits are the owners of Hubbards Hills estate, just outside Louth in Lincolnshire, and the small miniature railway runs about a mile from the gates through a pleasant valley to a small tearoom by a waterfall.

I am only working on the gateway end for now, though I have ideas for the other (new boards tagged on at some future date?).

The main 009 layout of the Boston Tramway is maturing slowly with the main features blocked out on paper and some trackwork planned. I'll be putting photos up eventually, but don't expect too much too soon! I have a reputation in the family for slow progress, having once taken three years to make MrsJ a spice rack.


  1. Hi Joppy- very nice figures there - very 'Railway Children' appearance. Look forward to seeing your further developments. Cheers. KEV.

  2. They are for the benefit of the grandchildren, they insist on moving the figures about.

  3. Clear plastic bases are an excellent plan.

  4. The figures are excellent looking ,as if they had just stepped off the past.
