Monday 8 July 2019

6. The basics continue

After a small hiatus because of health issues, both my own ticker problems and MrsJ's diagnosis of  Myelodysplastic Syndrome (doctor's letters full of long medical terms which basically don't spell good news) I managed to get into the shed and do some work on the baseboards for 'Hubbards Hills', the 09 (7mm to I foot scale on 9mm gauge track) layout. This is two 3foot long boards anchored in the middle by hinges which will eventually be split and pinned, this coming apart to allow board storage.

The track on one board is complete, point mechanics (rod in tube) in place and wiring dropped through to the underside of the board. More electrics to follow.

I found time yesterday to paint the sky. Three different shades of blue, light at the bottom grading to a mid blue at the top. These were melded into each other hoping to give a vision of the sky round this area. Little streaks of white were incorporated to give variety. I hope it doesn't look too bad. Don't forget, it will have trees etc. in front to break it up.

The holes in the right hand corner are for access by the cassette style fiddle method of changing trains. There will be a slight mound in front of these which should hide the workings.

In the corner I used some triangular fillet that I had lying around (the planned doll house stairs will have to wait) in order to try disguise the sharp angle of the corner.

I've been painting some Stadden figures for the layout, more about these next time. When I have taken the photos.


  1. Hi Joppy- I Hope your health and Mrs J's health is good and holding up well and improving- being Summer is a bonus for recovery. Good to see your progress on your O9 you intend to display the Layout at a Show? Regards. KEV.

    1. That depends on how it works in the end. A long way to go yet. I do belong, in a half-hearted way, to the local 'Norfolk and Suffolk Narrow Gauge Model' group, who hold a small annual show in Beccles village hall every March, so we'll see how far it has progressed by then.
