Sunday 19 September 2021

New Boards ready for track plan


As Mrs J has kept me busy gardening these last few weeks of sunshine, progress in the shed has been slow. However, I have managed to get the boards for the top shelf 0:16.5 layout ready. I had two boards three feet by fourteen inches already, earmarked for another project, and as these didn't quite go the whole length of the shelf I fabricated a shorter lenghth for the right end. You can just about see the joints in the picture. The hole in the end is to allow future access to a fiddle yard if the layout ever gets to a show.

The back scene, or sky, had to be repainted. I tried to match the end to the old one but it failed, so now the sky is basicaly a very light grey with faint tinges of blue.

Now to work out the tracl layout.