Thursday 18 June 2020

14. A little more progress

Here we have the situation a couple of days ago. The main station at the front now has a name board, and some fencing being tried for size. To the rear left is Granny's Cottage on the edge of Tulgey Wood. I'm hoping that I can arrange the trees so that the train can run under their canopy. Next is the platform for Wisteria Halt with a lot of work still to be done. Then finally, on the right, the barn under construction; which will be a blacksmith/petrol station.  There will be a road going from a level crossing in the bottom left to another on the top right. I've got ideas for three or four vignettes around the board, but more of those later.


  1. A jolly good start I say, looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Nice work there Joppy. Is the Displayed Layout in OO or OO9 or O-16.5? Cheers.KEV.

    1. Kev, the layout is a right mish-mash of scales. The track is Peco 009, the buildings are 'if it looks right I'm happy', the locos and stock are a nondescript scale, while figures will be a mix of wargame supplers.
