Friday 20 March 2020

11. Not a lack of progress, just a lack of photos.

Is it really December since I last wrote something? Yes it is! Not for lack of progress but more the fact that I haven't been taking 'as I go' photos.  Anyway, here are a couple of smaller projects currently on the go, both for my 09 'Hubbards Hills' miniature railway tourist line.

First up is a photo of my lounge corner worktable. Originally it was a small writing desk and the top folds back to open, while when not in use it folds forward and the thing looks like a small table. The two strips of wood are holding a group of dodos which I'm painting according to an illustration found on the internet. Now I know that dodos are supposed to be extinct, but these are a sub-group of a miniature breed, originally brought back by Mathew Flinders after his enforced stay in Mauritius as guest of the French. Flinders knew the Nisbett family and presented them with a pair, who bred into the flock that now inhabits the estate.

Second, we have a newly acquired 3D print model obtained from Shapeways. This is the Heywood locomotive 'Ellie' and will run on the donor chassis of a Farish 08 seen behind it. 'Ellie' will then become 'Maggie', the second loco of the fleet, and I'll need a short train to match.                        

I have also been working, in fits and starts, on my large layout in the shed. There are no photos as yet because I have the windows covered for the winter, and it Is too dark in there for photography. But I have been making baseboards and planning the buildings. More about these later.



  1. Glad to hear from you again , sounds like you are keeping busy though .

  2. Hi Joppy- pleased your keeping busy on your favored Projects during this difficult time. Cheers. KEV.
