Sunday 5 May 2019

4. More Planning

Although I'm working on the details for the 'Boston and Freiston Shore Railway' I'm also building a small portable layout in 09, and this is actually fairly well advanced. The track is laid and point control (rod in tube) in position. Platform area delineated. Here is a poor quality photo showing a few buildings dotted about for effect. The little sheds and cabins are actually old Biltezee card kits enlarged up on my home scanner and put together quickly. The station itself is made of coffee stirrers.

Also, I have painted a loco and coach from Teebee via Shapeways. These are pictured on a little scene I knocked up for taking photos, and it has nothing to do with the layout. Those of you with good eyesight will note that there are no couplings fitted as yet. I haven't decided whch to use. Also, the figures to the right are standing on Perspex ovals, just like the old Airfix models used to be. I'm using this method, rather than the 'pin up the leg' way, as I've a couple of young granddaughters who like to move the population about.

That's it for today.


  1. Good luck with this venture. Can we have a followers thingie at the side please?

  2. Hi Joppy- Very pleased to see you tackling an OO9 Layout - progress so far looks good considering the limited free-time you have with family. Can you set up a 'Followers' GADGIT for this post. Regards. KEV.

  3. Hi Joppy- you are way ahead of me with your tracks being laid there for OO9...I'm at the stage of an ink drawing 'Track Plan' in OO and have yet to purchase my PECO track. Regards. KEV.
