Friday 4 October 2019

9. Platform Surface

I've been suffering from a severe chest infection for over a month. Coughing fit to bust and unable to sleep lying down, so feel a little washed out. However, after 3 different batches of antibiotic and two loads of steroids I seem to be on the mend slowly.

While the main layout proceeds slowly, (I have cut some sundeala board to sizes suitable for the main drag) the Hubbards Hills 009 miniature railway moves slightly quicker. I've finally managed to surface the platform and a photo follows.

Having looked at a lot of pictures of old seaside and estate model railways I saw that most had either a low ground level gravel platform or a planked one. I went for the latter, as I haven't seen it modelled very often. The surface is made up of many 3inch strips of 3mm stripwood from Hobbies, laid with staggered joints and glued down on  a bed of pva glue. Then I painted the whole lot with a grey trial pot, wiping of the excess to show the planks off. I think I was a bit to liberal with the paint, as it seems to be too thick in some places. Not like the trial piece I made, where the grain of individual planks showed through. I forgot that, on that piece, I'd watered the paint down somewhat!
It has been suggested that I try removing some paint with wire wool. We shall see.