Tuesday 12 March 2019

1: Introduction

Over the years I have nearly built a number of model railways, but not really brought ant to completion. My working life involved moving house at regular intervals so nothing came to fulfilment. One little line did make it into print in the late 1980s, but this disappeared into the murk of history along with the others. Most of my ideas were narrow gauge, and I started with 009 but went up to 0-16.5 when my eyes started to go. Now that I'm retired , theoretically I have time to spare, but as I seem to have 'volunteered' granddaughter baby sitting duties for three days of the week and MrsJ seems to have my weekends planned out then I still have little time for pastimes.

I do have a garden shed about 12 feet by 8 feet, and although this has to hold the gardening gear as well as caravan awnings etc., I have laid claim to part of it. It has old kitchen units round some of the walls, and is going to be the layout.

I originally come from Boston in Lincolnshire, and have an interest in the standard railways of that area, with a special yearning to find out more about the various proposed tramways around town. You will learn more of these later.
Diagram of the various proposals for a Boston to Frieston Shore tramway connecting to the Great Northern Railway at Boston. This is my starting point, though I'll be changing the eventual line to a narrow gauge tramway, using lines like the Southwold, Isle of Man, Wantage and Wisbech and Upwell as inspiration.
You will find out more about the historical and the model railway in future posts. Feel free to look in.